Honoring Cyclists and Building a Safer Future: The Importance of Bike Safety and the CV Link Project

Photo from the Ride of Silence event on May 15, 2024 posted on Facebook. Photo credit to Brett Klein.

Published on July 8, 2024
Written by Yurema Arvizu & Gary Lueders| yuremaarvizu@gmail.com

The story of the annual Ride of Silence, born from the tragic loss of cyclist Robert Gaddini in the Coachella Valley, highlights the very real dangers cyclists face on our roads. Here at Friends of CV Link, we believe creating safer cycling infrastructure is crucial. Sharing the road can be risky for cyclists.

Distracted drivers, unclear road markings, and a lack of dedicated cycling paths all contribute to a higher risk of accidents. The Ride of Silence serves as a powerful reminder of these dangers. By advocating for safe cycling practices and infrastructure, we can create a future where cycling is a joyful and healthy activity for everyone.

History of the Ride of Silence
Whiterock Lake is a beautiful park in the middle of Dallas, Texas. With many trees, quiet streets, and jogging trails, it is a natural place for people to exercise by biking or running. It was in May 2003; cyclist Larry Schwartz was enjoying the day riding around the lake when he was struck and killed. To honor and pay tribute to their lost friend, the local bike club held a 'Ride of Silence’ on the third Wednesday that May.

In 2003, bike rider, Robert Gaddini was the victim of a hit-and-run on Highway 111 in Rancho Mirage. Bob was a Chaplain, teacher, coach at Desert Christian High School, member of the Desert Bicycle Club. A few weeks later, the bike club rode to the crash site and held a memorial service. This was the start of the club’s annual “Gaddini Ride”
that lasted 10 years.

Through the internet and other means, organizers of the Dallas Ride of Silence began spreading the word. Today, on the third Wednesday of May in all 50 states and 18 countries, there are thousands of Rides of Silence events to remember and honor those riders who have been hit/killed while riding their bicycle.

2024 Annual Ride of Silence
Every year, the local Ride of Silence brings cyclists together in a somber yet powerful display of unity. This international event honors cyclists who have been injured or killed while riding, raising awareness about the importance of bike safety. This year, the event took place on May 15 at Ruth Hardy Park, Palm Springs and was joined by many cyclists who came to pay respects and reflect on safety issues inherent in riding bicycles.

Several local leaders were also in attendance: Mayor of Palm Springs, Jeff Bernstein; Palm Desert Mayor, Karina Quintanilla; La Quinta Mayor, Linda Evans; and City of Coachella Councilmember, Frank Figueroa. Each spoke of infrastructure improvements designed for safer cycling in their communities. All agreed that a valley wide educational campaign for both motorists and cyclists is needed to improve safety on our roadways.

Friends of CV Link was there providing information on the latest progress toward completing of CV Link. We also supplied copies of ‘The List’ of Killed by Car (KBC) in the Coachella Valley. Currently there are 48 names, starting with Bob Gaddini in 2003 and sadly, Angeline Shapley was added on May 8, 2024.

Photos taken at the Ride of Silence event on May 15, 2024 and posted on Facebook. Credit to the Palm Springs Post and Ron DeHarte.

The CV Link Project: Building a Safer Future for Cyclists
The CV Link project is a game-changer for cyclists in the Coachella Valley. This dedicated bike path will offer a separated space for cyclists, improving safety and encouraging more people to choose cycling as a mode of transportation. The benefits of the CV Link go beyond safety. Other benefits of the CV Link project include:

Reduce traffic congestion: By encouraging cycling, the CV Link will help alleviate traffic on busy roads.

Promote a healthy lifestyle: Cycling is a fantastic form of exercise, and the CV Link will make it easier for people to get active.

Improve air quality: By reducing car use, the CV Link will contribute to cleaner air in the Coachella Valley.

The CV Link project is a testament to the importance of creating safe and accessible alternative transportation options.

Join the Movement for Safer Cycling
The Friends of CV Link is committed to advocating for safe cycling and promoting the use of the CV Link. You can join us in this mission by:

Spreading the word: Talk to your friends and family about the importance of bike safety and the CV Link project.

Riding safely: Always wear a helmet, follow traffic laws, and be predictable on the road.

Supporting Friends of CV Link: Donate or volunteer your time to help us continue our work.

Together, we can build a safer and more connected Coachella Valley for cyclists and everyone who chooses alternative transportation.

Please take a moment to review the names on this list. We hope to prevent these tragedies by continuing to support projects that create a safe space for cyclists to use.

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